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Americas coaching group makes the grade at Level 2

UIPM Family

A group of 23 coaches from seven nations took part in a Level 2 Coaches Course during the American qualifying competition for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

Coaches from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela attended the course, delivered by Nilton Rolim (BRA), from August 29 to September 3 in Merida (MEX).

The course is part of the UIPM Coaches Certification Programme and covered fundamentals of training planning and management, exercise physiology, nutrition, anti-doping and competition organisation. The course also focused on new training approaches for all pentathlon disciplines in order to cater training methods to different ages and abilities of athlete.

Nilton Rolim, Modern Pentathlon President of the military body CISM, expressed his satisfaction with the results of the course, saying: “I am really impressed with the high level of participation and devotion of the coaches during this productive week.

“I am sure nations with coaches involved in the course will reap the benefits of their involvement very soon.”

The coaches were awarded with certificates and decorative pins by Juan Manzo, UIPM Vice-President and President of the Mexican Federation, and Confederation Presidents Rob Stull (NORCECA) and Jorge Salas (South America).

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