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Eighteen African coaches benefit from IOC Olympic Solidarity fund in Dakar (SEN)


For the second time this year, a group of aspiring coaches has gained a qualification in UIPM Sports thanks to the support of the IOC Olympic Solidarity fund.

Eighteen coaches attended the UIPM Level 1 coaching seminar in Dakar, Senegal, from September 3-7 and received tuition in Biathle and Triathle practice, competition organisation and pentathlete recruitment.

The group was composed of 15 Senegalese and 3 Gambian coaches and the opening ceremony was attended by Seydina Omar Diagne, Secretary General of the Senegalese Olympic Committee, and the President and Technical Director of the National Committee of Modern Pentathlon Promotion (CNPPM), Gnagna Sy and Tandakha Ndiaye.

On the day the course concluded, the IOC confirmed that Senegal had been recommended by its Executive Board as host of the 2022 Summer Youth Olympic Games, so there is sure to be extra impetus for Modern Pentathlon development in the country over the next four years.

A spokesperson for CNPPM said: “Everyone wanted to develop and share their knowledge about pentathlon in their country. They would like to start organizing competitions at national and international level.

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