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Laser-Run City Tour arrives in India

Laser Run

The 3rd round of the 2017 UIPM Laser-Run City Tour (LRCT) was held in Karnal, India on April 9.

This was India's first experience of hosting a Laser-Run event and it was a great success with 205 athletes from 12 states taking part.

More than 30 technical officials assisted the Modern Pentathlon Federation of India (MPFI) and the UIPM delegation in organising the competition.

India will host further LRCT events later this year in Pune and Delhi.


The LRCT was created in 2017 and is designed to spread the sport of Laser-Run through cities and communities around the world, offering a new pathway into the Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon and increasing the sustainability of the UIPM sporting movement.

More than 60 cities and in excess of 300,000 athletes will participate in the inaugural season.


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