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Make your voice heard: Athletes encouraged to apply to join UIPM Athletes Committee

UIPM Family

Elections to the UIPM Athletes Committee (AC) will take place throughout 2020 and UIPM is urging National Federations to nominate candidates.

The AC represents the interests of UIPM Sports athletes. It has the right to represent the athletes’ position to the General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Committees, in particular to the Technical and Medical Committees.

The AC is currently chaired by Aya Medany (EGY), who is also a Member of the Athletes Commission at the International Olympic  Committee (IOC), and composed of Charles Fernandez (GUA), Pamela Zapata (ARG), Riccardo De Luca (ITA), Chloe Esposito (AUS), Liu Shen-Hung (TPE) and Dmytro Kirpulianskyy (UKR).

The first new Member will be elected during the UIPM 2020 Pentathlon World Championships in Cancun (MEX) and the deadline for nominations for this position is March 8, 2020.

The next new Members will be elected during the 2020 European Championships and Pan American Championships, where the nomination deadlines are March 30 and July 15 respectively, and the 2020 Asian Championships.

UIPM Athletes Committee candidates must be at least 18, be able to communicate in English and must never have been sanctioned for any breach of UIPM’s Code of Ethics, Anti-Doping Rules or any other UIPM or IOC Rules. Each candidate must be nominated by the President or Secretary General of a National Federation that is a full member of UIPM.

The other criteria for membership are listed on the Application Form, which can be requested via email along with the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form.

Both forms should be signed by the President or Secretary of the relevant NF and returned to UIPM.

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