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Moya and Schrimsher are crowned Pan American champions in Buenos Aires

Modern Pentathlon

Laura Leidis Moya from Cuba and Nathan Schrimsher from the USA captured the international headlines in 2010 as they teamed up to compete in the Mixed Relay in the Singapore Youth Olympic Games. This weekend in Buenos Aires they both made news again as they became Pan American Champions.

Laura Leidis won the women’s Pan American individual gold on Friday, March 18, scoring a total of 1366 points overtaking Iryna Khokhlova of Argentina in the combined event. Sophia Hernandez of Guatemala, who is still a Junior athlete, held off Melanie McCann of Canada to take third while Samantha Achterberg of the USA won the combined and moved up to fifth place overtaking her team mate Margaux Isaksen who rounded of the top six.

In the men’s competition on Saturday, March 19, Nathan Schrimsher had a comfortable lead at the start of the combined event and was able to hold on based on his very precise and fast shooting in all four series, finalizing with a total of 1440 points. There was a three-way battle for the silver medal between Jorge Inzunza from Mexico, Sergio Villamayor of Argentina and Lucas Schrimsher, Nathan’s younger brother. In the end Jorge Inzunza pulled away in the final lap to win the silver medal and Lucas Schrimsher won the bronze. Sergio Villamayor was fourth, Jorge Imeri of Guatemala showed great progress as he finished in the fifth position and Abraham Camacho of Mexico finished sixth.

In the final day of competitions on

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