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Two IOC Commission appointments for UIPM


Two UIPM office-bearers have been elected to commissions of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the next 12 months.

UIPM President, Dr Klaus Schormann, has been re-elected to the IOC Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission, marking 23 years of continuous service. Dr Schormann served on the IOC Culture Commission from 1994 to 2001 when it was expanded to include Olympic Education and Heritage.

UIPM Vice President, Joël Bouzou, was re-elected to the IOC Sport and Active Society Commission, which he has served since 2015.

IOC President, Dr Thomas Bach, wrote to the successful office-bearers before announcing the composition of the IOC commissions for 2017, with an increase in female members and a much broader geographical representation.

The make-up of the commissions, which provide assistance to the IOC and Olympic Games Organising Committees, reflects the Olympic Movement’s commitment to universality and marks a significant overall increase in representation of members from Africa and Oceania.

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