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UIPM 2015 Laser-Run World Championships ends up with an exciting final day

Laser Run

The UIPM Laser-Run World Championships came to an exciting denouement today with the Mixed-Relay competition.

In the picturesque surroundings of Perpignan, France, five medals were decided – from Youth Level at under 17s (B) and 19s (A) to Juniors, Masters and Seniors.

It brought two wonderful days of the first ever Laser-Run competition to a successful end having captured the imagination of all who witnessed its world debut.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, Laser-Run consists of only two of the five Modern Pentathlon elements, laser shooting and running and was designed to allow more athletes an entry point into the most demanding of Olympic sports.

The Mixed-Relay events proved to be profitable for the host nation France who picked up two Golds, five Silvers and one Bronze Medal across the five levels.

It was Egypt who came out top on the Under-17 B event with Mariam Amer and Mohamed Aboulfadl (EGY) taking first place followed by French duo Cloe Deguisne and Xavier Dufour (FRA) in second and Natia Machavariani and Gaga Khijakadze (GEO) of Georgia in third.

There was a one-two for the home nation in the Under-19s B event, Sophie Penaud and Matty Lamon (FRA) followed home by countrymen Lisa Riff and Jean Baptiste Mourcia (FRA). Bronze was won by Egyptians Sondos Aboubakr and Ahmed Elgendy (EGY).

On to the Juniors and it was Mexico who took top honours thanks to a great display from Xochitl Olivares and Andres Garza (EGY). Silver went to France’s Celie Lesnard and Pierre Dejardin (FRA) while Eliska Pribylova and her Czech partner Marek Grycz (CZE) clinched third place.

There was triple success for France in the Masters event as they took Gold, Silver and Bronze. The winning pairing in order were Cecilia Geppier and Olivier Cabardos, Mickaele Perrier and Jean-Christophe Perrier along with Nathalie Picault and Edouard Jobet (all FRA).

There were a number of well0known elite Pentathletes competing in the Seniors event and they didn’t let an expectant crowd down with some dazzling performances.

Gold went to Anastasiya Prokopenko – to add to her Senior Women’s title from the previous day - and Mikalai Hayanouski (BLR) with France’s Elodie Clouvel and partner Alexandre Henrard (FRA) claiming Silver while the American’s Margaux Isaksen and Lucas Schrimsher (USA) picked up Bronze.

Speaking at the end of the two day Laser-Run Championships, UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann said: “In wonderful weather conditions we had the Mixed Relay competition today and with a lot of spectators looking on the athletes enjoyed their day. We had different countries winning the medals today, which was really important, and we can see how much the athletes are enjoying this new competition format.

“This is a great sport for all from athletes to spectators as there is always something happening and some real drama - especially at the finishing line where all the athletes are pushing themselves to cross the line first.

“I repeat what I said yesterday, there is a great future for this sport as part of our new movement for Modern Pentathlon. Laser-Run will have a great future in all our future Modern Pentathlon competition calendars.”

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