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Virtual Youth Festival: Four female UIPM Sports athletes reach Max Fit finals


UIPM Sports representatives from eight countries have taken part in the inaugural Virtual Youth Festival, with four female athletes reaching the finals of a global online exercise competition.

Competitors from Egypt, Guatemala, Israel, South Africa and Uzbekistan were selected by UIPM to take part in a competition designed to promote inclusion, health, equality and non-discrimination. The UIPM movement was also represented by youth ambassadors from Singapore and Egypt and judges from France and Japan.

The four UIPM Sports athletes who reached finals in the Max Fit competition – competing in Muay Thai exercises, in some cases against combat sports athletes – will participate again in December before the winners are announced during a special gala on December 19.

Ashley Nicole Moscoso (GUA) and Tatiana Thomatos (RSA) will go head to head in the Under 11 Final, and Tatiana, 10, said: "I want to thank UIPM for selecting me to compete at this festival. It was an honour to be able to compete with very talented athletes from all around the world.

“I found it very challenging and exciting to go through all the rounds. It was also interesting to see where my fellow athletes came from and what sport they did. I want to also thank United Through Sports for the opportunity to compete."

The other finalists from the UIPM Sports movement are also both female – Andrea Custodio (GUA, U15) and Sharon Tal (ISR, U18).

Beyond the athletes who took part in Max Fit, UIPM was represented in the VYF by two youth ambassadors – 11-year-old Kyra Seow (SGP) and 18-year-old Mariam Amer – and by two certified UIPM Judges, Agnese Tomassi (FRA) and Isamu Nogami of Japan.

The VYF was created by United Through Sports (UTS) with backing from the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, Special Olympics, Sport Accord and the Global Association of International Sports Federations.

The competition was launched in Bangkok, Thailand where it ended with a closing ceremony on November 22. Coinciding with the global celebration of sport, the city also hosted the UTS World Conference, which included many international speakers including UIPM’s Honorary President, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann said: “I would like to congratulate all athletes, ambassadors and judges who represented the UIPM Sports movement in the Virtual Youth Festival.

“It was wonderful to see the young athletes showing their high fitness levels along with young people from other sports in countries all around the world. And I would like to say a particular thanks to our two Festival Judges from UIPM, Agnese and Isamu, who did a very good job.

“Our sport is focused strongly on education, which is a cornerstone of the VYF. It is more important than ever at this difficult time that we provide opportunities for youth and engage the athletes of tomorrow.

“Working hand in hand with other organisations, we can also continue to use our sporting movement as a vehicle for ideals of education, peace, democracy, tolerance and humanity.”

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