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WADA publishes 2018 List of Prohibited Substances


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published its 2018 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods, an important resource for anyone involved in the UIPM Sports and the wider international sporting movement.

The list, which comes into force on January 1, 2018, is accompanied by the 2018 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes, which serves to help athletes, coaches and other support personnel to understand the latest changes.

“WADA is pleased to publish the 2018 Prohibited List,” said WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie. “Updated annually, the List is released three months ahead of taking effect so that all stakeholders - in particular athletes and their entourage - have sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the document and its modifications.

“It is vital that all athletes and entourage take the necessary time to consult the List; and that, they contact their respective anti-doping organizations (ADOs) if they have any doubts as to the status of a substance or method.”

WADA Director General, Olivier Niggli, added: “Annually, the Prohibited List review involves a very extensive stakeholder consultation process over the course of nine months. “In reviewing the List, experts examine such sources as scientific and medical research, trends, and intelligence gathered from law enforcement and pharmaceutical companies in order to stay ahead of those that endeavour to cheat the system.”

The 2018 Prohibited List, the Summary of Modifications, and the 2018 Monitoring Program are available for download on WADA’s website in English and French. Spanish will follow shortly and if you would like to receive these documents in another language, please contact your national ADO or UIPM at 

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