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‘Great honour’ for Viacheslav Aminov (RUS)

UIPM Family

Viacheslav Aminov, the UIPM Vice-President and Executive Board Member for Business Affairs, has been elected as Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC).

Mr Aminov was appointed to his new position by the Russian Olympic Assembly, which elected Stanislav Pozdynakov as President in place of Alexander Zhukov.

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann said: “We congratulate Stanislav Pozdynakov and Viacheslav Aminov on their election by the Russian Olympic Assembly to these important positions in the Olympic movement in Russia.

“It is a great honour for UIPM that Mr Aminov has been chosen for such a senior role within the Russian Olympic Committee and on behalf of our UIPM society I wish him every success.”

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