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UIPM President's Activities

UIPM Family

01.07.2018, Darmstadt, GER

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann was a guest at the opening of a new clinic run by Prof Dr Hans-Michael Ockenfels, Chair of the UIPM Doping Review Panel. Prof Dr Ockenfels is an internationally renowned dermatologist and one of the leading authorities in skin cancer prevention and awareness in sport. About 16,000 patients are treated each year at his clinic in Germany, which has now moved to a larger premises.


02.07.-05.07.2018, Xiamen, CHN

On July 3, UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann and Secretary General Shiny Fang met with the Vice-President of the Chinese Modern Pentathlon Association, Bin Zhang, as well as representatives of the regional Xiamen authorities and a corporate sponsor. Members of the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Sports and Haicang District People’s Government attended the meeting along with Xiao Hang, President of Fujian Ma Yun Valley Culture Development Co Ltd.



Dr Schormann and Mrs Fang visit one of the facilities proposed for use during the 2020 UIPM Pentathlon World Championships



07.07.-09.07.2018, Budapest, HUN


The UIPM President attended the 1st FISU World University Modern Pentathlon Championships, where he met with FISU Executive Committee Member Hilkka Pöyhönen and Dr Kallio Tapio (Vice-Chair Medical Committee and Summer Universiade Coordinator) to discuss UIPM’s future involvement with the FISU sport programme. Modern Pentathlon will be strongly supported worldwide through the university sports movement with a view to inclusion in the Summer Universiade in the near future.

During a gala evening hosted by the National University of Public Service in Budapest on July 7, Dr Schormann joined Hungarian Modern Pentathlon Association President Dr Gyula Bretz to share ideas for close cooperation with the Hungarian University Sport Federation and the NUPS with Dr Gabor Kovavs (Police Brigadier General and NUPS Vice-Rector for Education), Dr Mozes Szekely (Secretary General of NUPS) and Dr György Borök (University Sport Director).



FISU Executive Committee Member Hilkka Pöyhönen presents Dr Schormann with the FISU medal during a gala dinner in Budapest



Dr Schormann with delegation chiefs, organizing committee members, student sport leaders of Hungary and FISU representatives in Budapest


13.07.-16.07.2018, Halle, GER


President Dr Schormann visited the UIPM Masters World Championships and met with the Chairman of the Masters Committee, Peter Engerisser, and Masters Committee Member Shereen Mohamed Hassan Saleh, to discuss the development of the UIPM Masters movement around the world. It is clear that for both genders more and more nations are encouraging athletes to participate in the movement, an important pillar of UIPM. All athletes in Halle were very satisfied with the facilities, horses and organization and the large number of participants.



Dr Schormann joins the delegation from Ukraine


19.07.-24.07.2018, Székesfehérvár, HUN

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann attended the ECMP 2018 European Championships and met with the Executive Board of the ECMP, briefing them on UIPM activities during the first part of 2018 and incoming them about matters of international sporting politics within the Olympic Movement.

With ECMP President Dmitry Svatkovsky and Secretary General Tatiana Ardabieva he discussed special development projects for Europe. More youth competitions are needed and Laser-Run competitions are receiving strong support from ECMP leaders.

During his stay the UIPM President met with Gabor Balogh, President of the Hungarian Students Sport Association, and Istvan Gallai, Secretary General of the Hungary Modern Pentathlon Association. They briefed each other about preparations for the UIPM 2019 Pentathlon World Championships and Laser-Run World Championships in Budapest (HUN).

This will be the first time that the two World Championships have been combined and UIPM and HMPA are focusing on a great festival of UIPM Sports with more than 1,000 athletes from more than 50 countries. Mr Balogh underlined that the Hungarian Government is ready to be a strong partner for these events through their schools and universities. Together all stakeholders want to show how close the societies of sport, politics and business will work together with international and Hungarian media to present an unforgettable World Championships.

Dr Schormann also met with Andrey Kuzmanov, President of the Bulgaria Modern Pentathlon Federation and Vice-President of ECMP, the possibility of a World Cup in Sofia (BUL) in 2019 based on the excellent instalment in 2018 and the Under 17 and Under 19 World Championships scheduled for 2019 in Bulgaria.

Together with Alexander Peirits, Honorary Auditor for UIPM and EMPC, Dr Schormann reflected on budgetary matters and the needs of National Federations and Continental Confederations relating to the enlarged UIPM Sports programme.



Left to right: ECMP Vice-President Andrey Kuzmanov, City Mayor Dr András Cser-Palkovics, UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann, ECMP Secretary General Tatiana Ardabieva, ECMP Vice-President Andris Feldmanis and Vice Mayor Attila Mészáros


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