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UIPM President's Activities

UIPM Family

04.-10.05.2019, Gold Coast, AUS

UIPM President Dr Klaus Schormann took part alongside Secretary General Shiny Fang and Operations Director Dr Alexandre Franca in SportAccord 2019 Gold Coast.

On May 6 President Dr Schormann received a lifetime achievement award for his ongoing support for the Olympic movement in Australia from Australian Olympic Committee President and IOC Member John Coates.

Later on May 6 UIPM and World Taekwondo jointly hosted the official welcome dinner of ASOIF in the Hotel Palazzo Versace, in the presence of IOC President Dr Thomas Bach.

In his speech at the dinner the UIPM President underlined the strong solidarity that exists between the Olympic Summer Sport Federations, support for clean athletes and gender equality and the importance of integration and peace through sport. He wished all a successful preparation for the Olympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020.

Speeches were also made by ASOIF President Francesco Ricci Bitti and WT President Dr Chungwon Choue.  

On May 7 and 8 Dr Schormann and Mrs Fang attended the ASOIF General Assembly, which featured the election of three new members to the ASOIF Council.

Marisol Casado (International Triathlon Union), Ingmar De Vos (International Equestrian Federation) and Morinari Watanabe (International Gymnastics Federation) were the new Council members to embark on a four-year term of office, replacing José Perurena (International Canoe Federation), whose mandate had come to an end, and former FIBA Secretary General Patrick Baumann, who died suddenly during the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires.

Other items on the agenda included the future of global sport and the role of IFs, as well as IF governance.

On May 9 the UIPM President and Secretary General met with a delegation from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Organising Committee including Etienne Thobois (CEO), Aurelie Merle (Associate Sports Director) and Clarisse Costaz (Sports Project Manager).

They discussed upcoming steps in the preparation for the Modern Pentathlon in Versailles at the Paris 2024 Olympic Summer Games. President Schormann, Mrs Fang and Dr Franca made a presentation to the Paris 2024 delegation and to David Luckes, Head of Summer Sports and IF Relations at the IOC Sport Department, focusing on the proposed new concept for the Youth Olympic Games to be introduced in Dakar (SEN) in 2022 – the first Olympic Games to be held in Africa.

President Dr Schormann met with various other International Federation Presidents and with sport and media agencies to prepare future partnerships. He discussed ideas about sport and communications with ITTF President Dr Thomas Weickert and Marketing Director Matt Pound.

He also met with city representatives at the SportAccord exhibition, like the city of Berlin, who are very interested in hosting another high-level international competition in the coming years.

During SportAccord UIPM President Schormann and Secretary General Shiny Fang met and briefed UIPM 1st Vice President Juan Antonio Samaranch (also Vice-President of the IOC) about the proposed new concept for the Youth Olympic Games. This competition format has been tested in Buenos Aires (ARG) and Cairo (EGY) in recent weeks and more tests will follow in France, Hungary and Bulgaria.


They also discussed future sport strategies relating to the worldwide development of Modern Pentathlon. The spirit of innovation will guide UIPM to a secure future.




President Dr Schormann, Secretary General Shiny Fang and Operations DIrector Alexandre Franca (far right) with colleagues from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Organising Committee

President Dr Schormann and Operations Director Alexandre Franca with Berlin city representatives


UIPM President Dr Schormann and Operations Director Alexandre Franca with FIBA staff including Treasurer Ingo Weiss


President Dr Schormann with (left) President Dr Thomas Weickert and Matt Pound from the ITTF

14.-15.05.2019 Athens, GRE

Dr Schormann had various meetings in the Greek capital including an engagement with Spiros Karavoulis, Managing Director of Sportcamp SA.

On May 15 he was welcomed by Hellenic Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos to the HOC Headquarters in Athens. They discussed issues of sporting politics in Greece and worldwide linked to financial and political crises. They underlined that the Olympic movement is more important than ever to support ideas for integration of people in different societies and actions that can protect the environment.

They decided to plant a tree in Olympia in 2019 in recognition of the 125th anniversary of the Modern Olympic movement – created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of Modern Pentathlon – and the heritage of ancient Pentathlon 708 BC in Olympia.

After the meeting they had a joint briefing from the Hellenic Modern Pentathlon Federation President Anastasios Pantazidis about youth sporting programmes and the high-performance environment in Greece. They are also using Laser Run and other UIPM Sports competitions to promote Modern Pentathlon.

The UIPM and HOC Presidents, joined by Mr Pantazidis and HOC Secretary General Emmanuel Kolmpadis, had an additional meeting with George Vassiliadis, Greece’s Deputy Minister of Culture & Sports.

They discussed the autonomy of national federations, good governance, government funding for sport and the Olympic movement in Greece, the Olympic Academy and future projects like the revival of the Modern Pentathlon Balkan Championships.

The close partnership with educational and cultural actions through Modern Pentathlon also found the support of the Deputy Minister.


The UIPM President with Spiros Karavoulis, Managing Director of Sportcamp SA



A bronze UIPM statue is presented to George Vassiliadis, Deputy Minister of Culture & Sports


17-18.05.2019 Frankfurt-M, GER

On May 17 the UIPM President took part in a meeting coordinated by the agency ISPC to enable 34 German sport federations and the TV networks ARD and 2DF to discuss future cooperation.

On May 18, in his capacity as President of the regional Hesse Modern Pentathlon Federation (a position he has held since 1976), President Dr Schormann took part in the General Assembly of the Sport Federations of Hesse, where there were high-level discussions about the sport for all movement linked to education and health.


21-26.05.2019 Prague, CZE

The UIPM President visited the enchanting city of Prague for the final UIPM Pentathlon World Cup of the regular season.

During his visit Dr Schormann had several meetings with key members of the UIPM community including Bohumil Hrudka, President of the Czech Modern Pentathlon Association.

President Dr Schormann said: “When we see what has been prepared by the organising committee I am really happy to see that this old tradition here in Prague has been continued.

“I am very thankful for the nations who are preparing their athletes for this competition and particular the Mixed Relay, where we had 18 competing nations.

“Now we are looking forward to the UIPM 2019 Pentathlon World Cup Final and Olympic Test Event in Tokyo, where we will not only have individual finals but also a Mixed Relay, which will be a big highlight of our season.”

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