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UIPM Secretary General’s Message: Imagining an ideal world of election…

UIPM Family

At any election, maybe the most important thing for voters is that the candidates have enough capability, experience, vision, attractive programme and clear thoughts for the future – and especially a convincing pledge that they really will work for the voters as promised in any speeches.

In the real political world, I guess there is more disappointment than fulfillment, but what about in the world of sporting politics? I think it is relatively better.

But what would be an ideal scenario, as we approach the 73rd UIPM Congress on the brink of a new era of democratic leadership for our National Federation community? I am happy to share some personal views from three different angles:


1. The kind of candidates I would hope to see:

  • With good motivation and passion
  • Believe in yourself and act on what you commit to
  • Hope to be elected because you want to improve things for NFs
  • Explain yourself and your vision clearly, because NFs want clarity
  • Don’t become obsessed that your vision is the only vision
  • Be open-minded and remain open to compromise here and there
  • Don’t make loose promises that later you can’t deliver
  • You might be attacked, but treat it as only part of the politics…
  • Enjoy and appreciate the people working around you before, during and afterwards
  • Show integrity, even though sometimes telling truth can be dangerous
  • Look people in the eyes and have a real conversation with them
  • Show your desire and determination to grab opportunities when you can
  • Be modest and, if you lose, lose with dignity.


2. What a healthy election looks like:

  • Transparent and professional
  • Clean and clear
  • Interaction with questions answered where needed, but with understanding and cooperation
  • An acceptance of new faces and fresh strength
  • Where there is rivalry, candidates see each other as opponents but not enemies
  • Differences and opposing opinions, but reaching the same final goal for the good of the sport
  • No corruption, no buying or selling votes – obviously essential!
  • Respect the electoral process, regulations and laws
  • Compete fiercely, but never forget the bottom line that we are all human beings.



3. Can we have rational voters? I really hope that our NFs:

  • Vote for what they believe, not what they are asked
  • Listen, ask and think, before making decisions
  • Vote for the person most likely to do good things for the stakeholders and community, not for himself/herself
  • Make a choose and then believe in it
  • Show support, through their eyes and smiles if not their voices
  • Congratulate the winner and respect the result even where they voted for an unsuccessful candidate
  • At the end, count on winners who would do their best because we need unity and solidarity in the community.

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