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UIPM President Dr Schormann reelected to IOC Culture & Education Commission

UIPM President Dr h. c. Klaus Schormann was this month reelected to the IOC Culture and Olympic Education Commission. Dr Schormann has been on this Commission since 1994 when it was the the Culture Commission. In 2001, the Culture Commission was expanded to include Olympic Education.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach announced the composition of the IOC commissions for 2014, with an increase in female members (23 per cent) and a much broader geographical representation.

The make-up of the commissions, which provide assistance to the IOC and Olympic Games Organising Committees, reflects the Olympic Movement’s commitment to universality. There will now be two more commissions chaired by women and 22 more positions held by women in 2014 than in 2013 (female representation from Africa increased by 50 per cent), and a significant overall increase in the representation of members from Africa and Oceania.

The full list of the commissions

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