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Modern Pentathlon news

Modern Pentathlon
10 Olympic pentathletes bring expertise and experience to historic consultation Five continents represented in global...
Modern Pentathlon
Double gold medallist Catherine Mayran Oliver of Mexico was the standout performer as the best young pentathletes in...
Modern Pentathlon
IOC announces clear pathway for UIPM to finalise ‘critical reforms’ UIPM ready to embrace opportunity to futureproof...
Modern Pentathlon
Coubertin ‘would have appreciated a change that embodies the spirit of Pentathlon’ Statement comes from descendants of...
Modern Pentathlon
Podium places were shared early and often as the fifth instalment of the European U24 Championships saw frenetic...
Modern Pentathlon
MONACO: November 12, 2021 – The world’s leading pentathletes took part in a conference call with UIPM leaders today,...
Modern Pentathlon
Six members of UIPM’s Athletes Committee, Coaches Committee and Technical Committee met today to begin the consultation...
