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Modern Pentathlon news

Modern Pentathlon
Fifteen years after his early involvement in UIPM Sports as a youth athlete, Pavel Ilyashenko of Kazakhstan is feeling...
Modern Pentathlon
Shuai Luo, 23, is part of a new wave of pentathlon talent coming out of China and making an impact not just at...
Modern Pentathlon
Many believe that the true mark of a champion in sport is the ability to succeed even on days that seem to be going...
Modern Pentathlon
The UIPM Sports community in Europe has a new competitive goal to work towards after Modern Pentathlon was named on the...
Modern Pentathlon
Hungary has an enviable heritage in the men’s Olympic Modern Pentathlon. Twenty-one medals, eight of them gold – and...
Modern Pentathlon
In 2012, a 21-year-old trainee police officer named Natsumi Tomonaga took up the Modern Pentathlon. One year later,...
Modern Pentathlon
Patrick Dogue has been a towering figure in Modern Pentathlon since his international debut as a 16-year-old youth...
