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Modern Pentathlon news

Modern Pentathlon
Joël Bouzou, Vice-President of UIPM, has made another important intervention in his capacity as President of the World...
Modern Pentathlon
The Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) is delighted to announce the launch of, a new digital...
Modern Pentathlon
The Afghanistan Pentathlon Federation (APF) held a successful seminar in the capital city of Kabul which resulted in TV...
Modern Pentathlon
The development programmes UIPM runs world-wide is well-known and Afghanistan is a testament to how much can be...
Modern Pentathlon
Usman Anwar, Director General of Sports Punjab, has reported that the sport of Modern Pentathlon has achieved rapid...
Modern Pentathlon
The Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) has written to the Russian Modern Pentathlon Federation to...
Modern Pentathlon
DOHA, QATAR, November 28, 2015 - The 2015 Modern Pentathlon season closed with a vision of the future as 20-year-old...
