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UIPM Legacy and Sustainability Guidelines

You can download  the document in the link below:

UIPM Legacy and Sustainability Guidelines

Aerial carbon emissions calculations

Regarding the environmental impact of aerial carbon emissions from events, meetings, and other activities, UIPM HQ initiated the first steps in 2023 to measure the aerial carbon footprint. Utilizing the tool provided by the United Nations agency named International Civil Aviation Organization and relying on information furnished by airlines, an estimation of carbon emissions in kilograms per trip, per person for the "U Family" is being compiled. This data, sourced from travel agencies when available or assembled independently, will form a database for future calculations related to compensation.

UIPM events bids requirements

All bid documents for UIPM events include a Sustainability section (refer to the image below). Within this section, bidders are acquainted with all the necessary standards they are required to meet and declare their commitment to adherence.

For instance, by awarding event bids to the same organizer for an entire Olympic cycle, such as in the case of the UIPM World Cups, LOCs have the opportunity to reuse most of their branding over four years. This practice significantly reduces the necessity for reprinting a large number of banners, signage, totems, and other materials.

Paperless competition policy - UIPM Central App

Since 2022, you've adopted the "paperless competition policy" by enhancing the functionalities of the UIPM Central App, which is available on Google and Apple app stores. All start lists, results, forms, and communications are now integrated into the app, and official competition documents can be accessed using a QR code.

UIPM Central App on Google Store - click here

UIPM Central App on Apple Store - click here

HQ internal sustainable actions

UIPM has initiated internal actions at its HQ to reduce, sort, and recycle waste as part of an ongoing campaign that commenced in 2022. As per the new HQ contract, the electricity supplier now exclusively provides 100% green electricity. Additionally, the use of plastic bottles has been discontinued, and there's a prioritization of eco-friendly products, including cleaning supplies, paper, and stationery.

IF Sustainability Case (in cooperation with the IOC)

The UIPM is responsible for contributing to global sustainability in alignment with the Olympic Movement's vision of "Building a better world through sport." In adherence to recommendation 5 of the Olympic Agenda 2020 ("Include sustainability within the Olympic Movement's daily operations"), the UIPM partnered with the IOC to initiate a Sustainability Project in 2017.

The first Project´s outcome is a case study named “The UIPM sees environmental and social benefits after transitioning from pistols with lead pellets to laser”. The document (available for download below) shows one of the main initiatives of the Union to actively contribute towards a more sustainable world.

World Pentathlon Sustainability Case Study - From lead to laser shooting


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