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Follow all LIVE results from the Women's qualification at World Cup #1

Modern Pentathlon

Keep up to date with all the live scores from the World Cup #1 Acapulco Women's qualification stages as they unfold

Click HERE for live results

On handheld keep up to date live scores on homepage. App is under maintenance


Women's qualification Group A:

  • 10:oo - Swimming
  • 12:30 - Fencing
  • 16:00 - Combined

Women's qualification Group B:

  • 09:3o - Fencing
  • 13:30 - Swimming
  • 17:15 - Combined

Women's qualification Group C:

  • 11:3o - Swimming
  • 15:30 - Fencing
  • 18:30 - Combined

Click HERE for live results

Twitter: #PentaWC1

Tomorrow's Men's qualification schedule is the same as the Women's

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