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Laser Run
The growth of Laser Run, UIPM’s most popular and accessible development sport, has embraced another new territory after...
Laser Run
UIPM continues to improve its first esports product with the release of E-Laser Run version 2.0. E-Laser Run is an...
Laser Run
The UIPM 2022 Laser Run World Championships have drawn to a close after three days of highly competitive racing in...
Laser Run
Over 700 athletes from 26 countries ready to compete for glory in Lisbon (POR) City becomes first to host Laser Run...
Laser Run
Welcome to the party, Croatia and Lithuania! The Global Laser Run City Tour community continued to grow in May 2022...
Laser Run
The global phenomenon of Laser Run is well and truly back! Since the easing of restrictions around the COVID-19...
Laser Run
At a time of year when things may have been winding down for many the Global Laser Run City Tour showed no signs of...
