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Laser Run
Laser Run may have established itself as one of the world’s most popular urban sports, but when the chance comes to...
Laser Run
As the Laser Run craze continues to spread across all continents, another African nation has embraced the urban sports...
Laser Run
Not one but three UIPM Sports were contested by international athletes on the beautiful island of Madeira (POR) this...
Laser Run
The 2nd Pierre de Coubertin Pentathlon Day was celebrated right across the UIPM Sports world, but perhaps nowhere with...
Laser Run
The UIPM Sports community in Portugal has energetically participated in Laser Run ever since the 2nd UIPM Laser Run...
Laser Run
It has been another busy year for UIPM Sports in Egypt and the city of Banha hosted its first competition as the Global...
Laser Run
Laser Run has enjoyed a spectacular introduction at the 1st World Urban Games, a multi-sport festival created by the...
